The Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen for Cluster Headache
A safe, effective and patient led treatment protocol.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to control your cluster or migraine headache, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will find all the resources relating to the Vitamin D3 Anti-inflammatory Regimen for the treatment of cluster or migraine headache.
Getting Started
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Browse the page to learn about the Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen for Cluster and Migraine Headache or use the Quick Links below to quickly navigate to the section you are interested in.
Introducing the Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen
Download the Full Regimen Guide
Download the Quick Start Reference Guide
Watch the Interview with Pete Batcheller
Watch my Personal Story with the Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen
What is a Cluster Headache?
Cluster headaches are not merely headaches; they are intense, excruciating episodes of pain that can be likened to a searing, relentless assault on the head. Imagine a pain so severe that it feels like a hot poker is being driven through your eye, accompanied by a sensation of pressure that’s almost unbearable. This is the reality for those who suffer from cluster headaches. Unlike migraines, which often come with warning signs, cluster headaches strike suddenly and with brutal force. These attacks usually occur at, or around, the same time everyday and often wake the sufferers up 60-90 minutes after they’ve fallen asleep. The pain of cluster headaches is so severe that they are also referred to as “suicide headaches”. Many sufferers experience suicidal ideation during individual attacks and are 20 times more likely to take their own lives than the average person.
During a cluster headache attack, individuals may experience symptoms such as intense pain localized around one eye or temple, facial sweating, nasal congestion, tearing of the eye and extreme restlessness. The duration of these episodes can vary from as short as 15 minutes to agonizing hours, sometimes repeating multiple times a day for weeks or months, hence the term “cluster.” For those that do not suffer from cluster headache, a good analogy is eating an ice-cream too quickly and the excruciating brain freeze the ensues, imagine sitting with this level of pain for hours on end, multiple times per day and night for months at a time.
What makes cluster headaches particularly distressing is not only the intensity of the pain but also their unpredictable nature and the disruption they bring to everyday life. They can render sufferers incapacitated, making it challenging to work, socialize, or even perform simple tasks. The relentlessness of cluster headaches often leads to feelings of despair, isolation, and frustration among those affected.
Despite being one of the most painful conditions known to medical science, cluster headaches remain poorly understood, and treatment options are limited. However there are options! As a cluster headache sufferer, I have used the Vitamin D Anti Inflammatory Regimen since 2015 with resounding success. I have had perhaps 2 or 3 attacks since I started the regimen in all those years and I have made it my mission to get this information and outreach to the patient community through a range of advocacy efforts.
I make clear to the reader now, I want nothing from you and my only desired outcome from hosting this website is to see you achieve the same pain free results that I did following this regimen. There are no courses to sign up for, no subscription fees to pay in order to access this information and I don’t make a single penny from any of the brand recommendations made here on this website, there are no affiliate links or anything of that sort. I would be remiss to try and make a single dollar from my advocacy efforts. Any money that I may make through hosting my Vitamin D3 podcasts on YouTube is funnelled straight back into paying the hosting fees for this website and from time to time, if I come across a fellow New Zealander that cannot afford to start the regimen, then I will buy the supplements for him/her. The information is 100% free and always will be. I strongly urge you to put aside any preconceptions you may have around “vitamins are a waste of money” (like I did prior to starting) and approach the information you find here with an open heart and open mind. If you have questions or wish to share your success, please send me a message using the form at the bottom of this page.
A safe and highly effective patient lead treatment protocol
The Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen
If you’re here, chances are you’re familiar with the unyielding pain and disruption that cluster headaches bring to your life. Enter the Vitamin D3 Anti-Inflammatory Regimen, a one of a kind treatment protocol designed by a fellow chronic cluster headache sufferer, retired Navy Fighter Pilot Pete Batcheller, affectionately known by many by his callsign “Batch”. This regimen has offered either complete remission or significantly reduced the frequency and intensity of attacks to many in the cluster headache community.
This regimen isn’t just another pill in the medicine cabinet; it’s a comprehensive approach aimed at addressing the underlying inflammation believed to contribute to cluster headache attacks. At its core lies the power of Vitamin D3, a vital nutrient known for its anti-inflammatory properties. By elevating blood levels of 25(OH)D vitamin D to a targeted range of 80-100ng/ml (200-250nmol/L), individuals, myself included, have reported remarkable reductions in the frequency and intensity of their cluster headache episodes. As earlier stated I have been pain free by and large since starting the regimen in 2015.
This treatment protocol involves a strategic combination of Vitamin D3 supplementation along with essential cofactors such as magnesium, fish oil, vitamin K, boron, zinc, retinol, and calcium. The protocol starts with a loading dose that is intended to swiftly elevate Vitamin D levels. The loading dose is then followed by a maintenance regimen tailored to the individual’s needs. The aim of this protocol is to keep inflammation at bay, and headaches in check.
When followed as per the free informative guides that Pete Batcheller has produced, available for download below, this treatment protocol is safe, effective and offers the sufferer a plethora of additional health benefits that come with maintaining a healthy Vitamin D3 level.
For many, the results speak volumes. Imagine finding relief within 12 days (my attacks stopped 8 days after starting), reclaiming moments of peace and normalcy that once seemed like a pipe dream. The journey to remission may not be without its challenges, but armed with knowledge, support, and determination, the Vitamin D3 Anti-Inflammatory Regimen has been an absolute game changer for myself and many others.
Full Neurologists & PCP Reference
Download the Full Reference Guide
Download the full primary care physician / neurologists guide by clicking the link below. The guide can be printed and taken to a consult with your Doctor to discuss starting the regimen and to order the appropriate lab tests to ensure both effectiveness and safety. There is also a quick start guide that was published in 2023, you’ll find this a little further below.
It’s important to follow the guide to the letter. Pete Batcheller has spent countless hours consulting with medical professionals all over the world in order to prepare a guide that provides all the information you or your primary care physician needs in order to start the regimen and achieve a therapeutic result. This regimen is intended to be done under the care and guidance of the physician that is most familiar with your condition and your personal health profile.
Quick Reference Published 2023
Download the Quick Start Guide
In this newly published Quick Start Guide, Pete Batcheller has condensed the full primary care physicians / neurologists guide into an easy to read and more graphical format.
You’ll also find that the loading protocol has been updated to include a 6 day loading protocol for episodic sufferers to elevate their Vitamin D levels quicker, obtaining a therapeutic response faster.
As with the full guide, this regimen is intended to be followed to the letter and under the guidance of the physican that is most familiar with your condition and personal health profile.
Full Interview with Pete Batcheller
Pete Batcheller is the creator of the Vitamin D Anti Inflammatory Regimen. He is also a retired Navy Fighter Pilot and sufferer of chronic cluster headache. He is affectionately known in the patient community and his friends as “Batch”, his call-sign from his days as an naval aviator.
In this interview with Batch he explains what the Vitamin D Anti Inflammatory Regimen is, how it works, safety, efficacy and as many other questions as I could think to ask him. I hope the sincerity and authenticity of how we speak resonates with you. I can speak on his behalf when I say we just want to see you pain free and living the life that you desire and deserve.
My Journey with Cluster Headache
In this video I share with you my story with cluster headache and starting the Vitamin D3 regimen back in 2015. Caution, I don’t hold back in this interview, between some tears and bad language you’ll hear how my world was rocked by cluster headache and how 8 days after starting this regimen, I hugged my wife and I got my life back.
Please note that the supplements that I started with have changed over the years and the availability will be dictated by the country you live in.
If you’d like to read about my story instead then you can do so here.
Participate in the Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen Survey
If you have followed the Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory Regimen as per the provided documentation, it would be appreciated if you could complete a short survey and share your experience. Sharing your experience allows Pete Batcheller to collate this anonymised data into updated charts, graphs and further the research that contributes to the overall success of the regimen. The survey only takes a few minutes and can be completed via clicking the link below.
Get in Contact
You are welcome to get in contact with me if you feel I can help you or you’d like to offer feedback. It is my sincere pleasure to assist my fellow cluster headache warriors navigate this complex disease.
Fill out the form below to send me a message or email me at
The information contained, hosted or linked on this website does not constitute and in no way is intended as medical advice. As per all of the documentation, guides and resources, it is strongly recommended that those intending to follow this regimen do so under the care and guidance of their primary care physician.
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